Sunday, March 31, 2013

       It is Done!  I made my goal for March to  "A Lovely Year of Finishes" with the dishes, wash and housework put on hold! 

I wasn't home 18 days this month and during that time I got sick too, so not much was done while I was gone.  So the last week I was sewing at lunch, sewing waiting for dentist appointment, sewing each evening and sewing at Easter family dinner and I got it done!

I put my own spin on the pattern.   I left out the "Liberty Garden"  at the top.  Wool leaves were added at the bottom instead of just stitched leaves.  I used buttonhole stitch around the "daisy" flower stems and a running stitch around the tulip leaves.  I also used 2 shades of green when I was doing the stems and the lazy daisy stitches. 

The blue flowers had to be cut out with sissors, because the hole punch I had wouldn't cut the wool.  It went fast though. 

On the tulips I added stitching to add a bit of detail.  You and see the V shape I stitched in the tulips.

I just have french knots to stitch in the center of the "daisy" flowers. Then to layer and bind!  I plan to finish that this week along with doing our taxes, (ugh!)

Wishing all a joyful finish to March which is going out like a Lamb here. 


Monday, March 25, 2013

I have been away from my sewing machine this month and away from home too!  I have been taking care of our son in Florida after he had foot surgery on the 8th.  I took my project for this month's finish but didn't work on it much.  He is getting along very well and he 'sent' me home this past Saturday! 

I think why this project hasn't been done is that I didn't know how to place the appliques on the background and mark all the stems and leaves.  One day, after I had cut out all the items, and was placing them on the back ground, if I pinned them, the pins would stick me which didn't seem like fun ;-0.  So  I remembered tailor tacks. I used these years ago to mark the circles on my garment sewing pieces . The tailor tacks worked great!  I could stitch down each flower without getting poked! and pull out the 'tack' once I was finished. I  have  all the tulips sewed down and now on to the white flowers! 

I tried to take a picture, but the tailor tack thread was white and so wasn't the flower and it didn't show!  I will try later to get some pictures to show what I am talking about!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

On to March!  We had sunshine Sunday afternoon and all day yesterday!  It was a glorious gift as we haven't seen the sun in Northwest Ohio for weeks!

 I have chosen a hand sewing project for this month's A Lovely Year of  Finishes hosted by Sew BitterSweet Designs and Fiber of All Sorts. This pattern is so sweet and patriotic too!

 I just love the pattern and saw that it had stood the test of time by being published again in 2008  in the "Better Homes and Garden Fast and Fabulous Quilting Ideas".

 I purchased the wool in kit from a local quilt store over 8 years ago.  Back then I couldn't figure out how to mark the wool and there wasn't much info on how-to and blogs and surfing the computer for info never occurred to me back then! Lol! What a shame!

My goal is to get the entire top appliqued and embroider.  If I get it backed I will be happy.

 I have a busy month ahead and will be out of town most of the month.

Look for the Joy of Living!